
Showing posts from November, 2017


EVALUATION During this task, we chose to create a horror movie where a character falls asleep and ends up in the middle of nowhere he is then hunted down by a cloaked being. This idea was successfully displayed by the use of 2 very distinct locations, one (the really world) is set in a tunnel in an urban environment, the second was a wooded area with rubble and abandoned buildings. We decided to have the beginning and end to be shot at the same place therefore creating a circular narrative and have a twist at the end (the hooded character being in the real world) to get the viewer thinking about the ending thus ending the film on a cliff hanger. Overall our original idea translated well to screen with scenes in the storyboard being used almost exactly in the movie. However in post production we decided to add effects that we did not plan for in pre-production such as filters for curtain scenes like the dream world having a blue filter to add t...

Reality Check


Story Board

moodboard link


November 09, 2017 HORROR FILM: SYNOPSIS Our 3 minute short film shows the impact that a sudden unexpected event causes for a certain character. During an everyday scene, the unnamed character begins to listen to music and relax in the opening scene, when he opens his eyes; the people and noises surrounding him suddenly disappear. He believes he is completely alone. Constant thoughts fill his mind whether or not he is dreaming, as the world seems wrong.The character attempts to run towards any sound that may be salvation. This leads him to many different environments out of curiosity and terror. Further into the short film, he begins to explore the area around him, curious and terrified as to where everyone has gone. Worry slowly fills the character as he continues to aimlessly wander with disturbing sounds in the distance. As he feels like he is being followed by something, a climactic scene finishes the film when the character finds himself trapped in a small location with t...

Cinematic Ideas Project 1

Cinematic Ideas We will be using a dark filter over the majority of the short film, this will be used as the low key lighting that comes with it is a convention of the genre we will be using (Horror). We will use point of view shots throughout our short film to match the conventions that are commonly found in low budget horror films as well as helping to immerse the viewer in the world that we have made. Panning shots will be used in our short film in order to establish the surroundings that our protagonist finds their self in, while also drawing attention to key points or just helping set the scene. We will take advantage of wipe cuts in order to save time in places of our film that we feel aren't needed and also help transition between two scenes. Zooms will be used in order to emphasise key parts and bring props or facial expressions to the audiences attention. An emphasis on an eerie non diegetic sound will be prominent throughout our short film, we will be doing th...