

Our 3 minute short film shows the impact that a sudden unexpected event causes for a certain character. During an everyday scene, the unnamed character begins to listen to music and relax in the opening scene, when he opens his eyes; the people and noises surrounding him suddenly disappear. He believes he is completely alone. Constant thoughts fill his mind whether or not he is dreaming, as the world seems wrong.The character attempts to run towards any sound that may be salvation. This leads him to many different environments out of curiosity and terror. Further into the short film, he begins to explore the area around him, curious and terrified as to where everyone has gone.
Worry slowly fills the character as he continues to aimlessly wander with disturbing sounds in the distance. As he feels like he is being followed by something, a climactic scene finishes the film when the character finds himself trapped in a small location with this "something" nearby. Many POV scenes occur toward the end of the film, which makes the viewer fixated to the film as eerie events occur around the protagonist. (Who is becoming increasingly more scared) Ultimately, after wandering around many environments whenever the character hears something that may be human, the film ends with the beginning, creating a circular structure.

Throughout the short movie, non-diegetic sound emphasises the haunted atmosphere, creating a feeling of dread throughout the 3-minute creation. Also, the audience is constantly asked whether what they are seeing is reality or a dream, adding a sense of fantasy to the film. Locations such as woods, tunnels and abandoned structures will all be included to further show the feeling of isolation. As we'll as this, unsettling sounds both diegetic and non-diegetic will occur throughout the movie, not allowing the viewer to rest easy at any point.


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