Coursework research
My short film will be set around the abduction and ransom of my protagonist. This will limit the number of characters in my short film allowing me to focus on developing one character. Most of film will set place with my character tied to a chair interacting with his captors and struggling to find a way to escape his situation. The ending will consist of the fate of my character being a mystery with the ransom not being paid. The final shot will be a parcel arriving to the house of the protagonist in which it is implied it contains remains of the protagonist.
- Makes filming easier
- Matches style in Curfew
- Brings focus on character and less on surroundings
- More professional
Props/Related Photos:
Burlap sack for head mask
Rope for bindings

Brief Plot Points/Shot List:
- Walking towards car and get grabbed, shot from Captors POV then switches and plus out of POV when being grabbed, uses Burlap sack to grab Captive.
- Ransom note on the table of the Captives homestead with crying in the background.
- Shot of empty seat where Captive will be held later.
- Shot of Captive in seat
- Captors ""Turning on" camera making a ransom video unhooding the Captive and reading their demands for the safe return of the Captive.
- Shots of the Captive alone playing with restraints.
- Close up of restraints
- Shots of Captor giving Captive water
- Shots of Captive rocking the chair to break free
- Shots of Captor recording a second video shortening the deadline this time speaking to police as well as the family.
- Demands are not met and while the Captive is asleep in the chair Captors are talking about what to do with him.
- Next day Captors record video with scenes of chopping finger off.
- Next shot is of bandaged finger and the Captive panicking while in pain.
- Shot of letter being delivered to house of Captive containing finger, finger not shown in shot for budget reasons obviously -_-
- Shots of Captive fading through consciousness while still strapped to chair
- Being given water by Captive and begging for his life.
- Ransom date is up and still not paid. The Captors seem rushed and annoyed.
- Muffled speaking from the captors while Captive is panicking.
- Captors walk back into the room with Captive panicking more.
- Burlap sack is placed on Captives head.
- Fade to black
- A shot of a box being delivered to the captives house.
- End
Toying around with different lighting and the use of low-key lighting in these photos.
Shoot Plan
Test Footage Shoot:- Gather test footage
- learn different camera and lighting techniques for actually shooting
- Potentially gather footage for establishing shots for film.
Day 1:
- Footage that doesn't require main cast
- Establishing shots
- Transition shots
- Excess shots i can use in editing.
- Assemble set for future shooting
- Gather main cast
- Majority of shots containing cast
- Finish first draft of film.
Editing 1:
- Look over all footage gathered
- make a basic draft for the finished product.
- look for any reshoots that are needed.
- Reshoot footage that is needed
- Fill any gaps in my story.
Editing 2:
- Use reshoots and extra clips to improve my first draft.
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