Curfew 20mins
In opening sequence for Curfew, the low key lighting used darkens and blacks out most of the background. This stylistic approach towards setting would be useful in my short film as it would make filming a lot simpler through the choosing of the setting being a black darkened out back drop made to look like an endless void like in the film. In this short sequence the only things that are lit in shot are props the director wants the
audience to pay attention to such as the bright red phone or the towel next to the bathtub. This technique of using low key lighting to limit what is seen in my shots could be an effective way of telling an interesting story while not having to pay attention much towards location or any props that may be in the shot that might ruin immersion.
About a girl 10mins

Throughout the text the mise en scene is used to symbolise and replicate real life. For example the in the shots where her and her father are talking, the outfits of both the characters not only match how the characters act and and should look based on their social status but it matches the overall setting of England. I would like to incorporate this in to my course work for not only a more realistic and accurate approach towards keeping my film grounded in society, production would be easier as i don't have to worry as much about choosing costume design. Examples of outfits that fit into my narrative such as black tracksuits and ski masks/balaclavas for the captors with something smarter for the captive maybe a shirt and suit pants or jeans and a button up shirt.
Wasp 30mins

Throughout Wasp the rise en scene used helps convey real life. A key example of this mis en scene that i want to adapt into my text is the performance of the actors. Through being a low budget short film the director used local people to the setting of the film that might not have much filming experience but have grown up in the world that the director is trying to capture, giving a more authentic feeling. Therefore in my text i don't want to change the standard dialetc of my chosen actors to help keep the natural feel to the film i am making.
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